英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy

London School of Economics and Political Science







伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)在英国独树一帜,是唯一将教学与科研集中在社会、政治、经济科学领域的顶尖学校。学院于1900年成为伦敦大学University of London的一部分,今天的LSE是伦敦大学最大的学院之一。目前学生总人数超过7000名,其中约一半为来自150个国家的海外留学生;LSE拥有一个庞大的海外学生团体,校友包括国会议员、贵族议会议员、26位世界各国政府现任或历届首相。

LSE位于伦敦市中心国会大厦(著名的Big Ben)旁,介于西区与金融城之间,大英图书馆、伦敦大学议会图书馆近在咫尺,距离该学院不到一英里就是主要的政府、法律、金融和传媒中心所在地---这些机构才是该学院“真正”的研究对象。LSE共有18个系、26个研究中心或研究所,开设有经济、数学与统计、历史、法律、哲学等多种社会科学专业。LSE在经济学领域曾有五名诺贝尔奖获得者,发展了最具权威的经济理论,许多对全球政治、经济、社会发展有影响的思想、政治体系均源于LSE。

1、LSE的学位证书的学位证书由伦敦大学University of London颁发,某些学位课程也与伦敦大学的其他学院联合开设。

硕士: 大学相关本科毕业,GPA至少3.5(总分4分)
本科: 重点高中毕业优秀学生;大学一二年级优秀生可插读LSE二年级。
Introduction to the LSE 
One of the UK's more high-powered academic institutions, the London School of Economics is hard to get into and enjoys an international reputation. The Webbs founded it in 1895 to promote "the study and advancement of Economics or Political Economy, Political Science or Political Philosophy, Statistics, Sociology, History, Geography, and any subject cognate to any of these", thanks to the will of a rich Fabian, Henry Hunt Hutchinson. Its social purposes were based on those of American and continental schools and universities where political, social and economic problems were seen as ripe for study.
The LSE's courses still reflect its origins: among those that enjoy a particularly good reputation are accounting and finance, law, economics and international relations. It is a breeding ground for politicians, and has arguably done more to shape the political world than any other university: as well as countless MPs, LSE has educated world leaders including John F Kennedy.
LSE's location in the heart of London makes it a powerful draw to overseas students: in 1997/98, 61% of students came from overseas. It is close to the City of London, the West End and Soho. But beware, living in London is expensive.
The students' union offers a wide range of clubs and societies. LSE graduates are highly employable. Just take a virtual tour to find out more.
As well as JFK and the politician legions, LSE's alumni include Cherie Booth, Mick Jagger, saucy foodie celeb Loyd Grossman, and professional Londoner and journalist Robert Elms.